The first time I actually sang (performed) in front of my Dad I said, "Dad, turn around, make sure you don't look at me!” I started to sing a song I'd been practicing for a singing competition I'd entered, only to find my whole body was shaking and I couldn't sing. DEVASTATED! Yeah... However I'm not the only one that experiences those overwhelming nerves, about 6 years ago I went to a P!NK concert and she also told a similar story about making her family turn around and not look at her when she sung! Look at her now.
I won the singing competition! How did I overcome my fear? Passion for my singing and practice. I continued to practice in front of my Dad and anyone else that came into the house. Remembering that nobody wants me to fail. They all want to see me enjoy myself and do the best I can, and nobody wanted that more than I did. Knowing my song inside and out, how I was going to move while singing and how I'd use the microphone all helped, along with the supportive words of encouragement from those who I had given pre-performances, it took the edge off the nerves so I could sing. Let me close by letting you know that the nerves never leave you totally - they drive you to do better, therefore you can turn your nerves into something GREAT! Add a comment below if you have a story to share or any comments on how you have dealt with nerves or need help to overcome your fear of singing in front of people I would love to try and help.
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