Knowing how to read and play music is certainly is an awesome skills to have, but what about 'hearing' music? Developing your ear to hear what is happening in the music is the icing on the cake. Here are some great tips on hearing intervals and being able to name them as soon as you hear them. Firstly, let me quickly explain what an interval is. An interval is simply the distance between two notes. The musical alphabet is A, B, C, D, E, F, G. If note C is the root note and the consecutive note played is a G it would be a Perfect 5th, if the consecutive note was E it would be a major 3rd. Intervals will differ from minor and major scales. Let's just focus on the major scale to start with. Start by playing a snippet of the song that you will recognise when it starts to be played, as shown below (from the book Fast Track Lead Singer 1 by Blake Neely). Practice this three times and then play the root note and the interval... See if you can start to hear the song automatically as soon as you hear the first 2 notes played... Once you can, you will find it so easy to recognise. Other songs that are great for these intervals are: M2 - Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer (G, A, G, E, C5, A, G) or transposed to (C4, D, C4, A, F, D, C) M3 - When the Saints Go Marching In (C, E, F, G, C, E, F, G) P4 - We Wish You a Merry Christmas (D, G, G, A, G, F) P5 - Star Wars (C, G, F, E, D, C) M6 - Dashing through the Snow (D, B, A, G, D) M7 - The Major 7th always sounds dissonant and out of place... Have you got any song suggestions?? Check these out....
Music benefits us all in so many different ways. How does music impact your life?
Self-expression, Stress Release, Understanding, Listening Skills, Hand & Eye Co-ordination, Rhythm, Confidence Building, Creating Focus and Dedication these are just some of the benefits that I myself have personally experienced through music, voice and piano.... Music empowers people, to express who they are in a safe and encouraging way. I believe that Music Education is paramount to every individual no matter how musical or not musical we may think we may be. The facts are we are all made up of various vibrations that are all music related. Our heart beats in rhythm with our bodies, our blood swishes through our veins, we walk in time and in tune to our life and even in the stillness when we sleep our breath continues to create our own musical melody. Read here for "The Most Amazing Benefits of Music" a great resource exhibiting how music ripples throughout every facet of our lives. Music bridges gaps and brings people together it is multicultural and unbiased there is a sound for everything and everyone. We are music and to deny music in our lives would be crime. Music isn't always about being the best or a super star, its about just being. Read on for more benefits of music education.... |